Americans Drowning in Prescription Drugs

       The "War on Drugs" is broader than we thought. Prescription drugs are becoming increasingly dangerous due to the uprise of the "Medical Industrial Complex".  America keeps up the fight against illegal drugs, while legal drugs conveniently create a sickening state of dependency. Doctors have to make the hard choice between safety or salary.  Thanks, Merk!


"I've said this at least a hundred times, and I'll say it again: No nation that ignores the nutritional health of its citizens has any real future.  A successful long-term society MUST, at its core, invest in real nutrition and the holistic health education of its citizens. Without good nutrition, every society is ultimately doomed to fail." -Mike Adams (consumer health advocate)

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

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