"Some Chemical Compounds Just Naturally Go Together" (others...we just don't know about)!

This patented skin care system uses coconut oil derived from the cocunut kernal and beet juice extract.  Hints the name: "cocamidopropyl betaine", an ingredient used in popular skin and personal care products which is said to be a natural remedy for dryness. Derived directly from the coconut kernal, mixed with beet juice, the organic chemical compound could be very safe.

However, it is combined with a propyl gallet, or "dimethylaminopropyl". Whatever that is? When you begin to break this particular component down, it starts to get a little unclear on how it is organic and why it is necessary at all! The manufacurers find that using these chemical substances make it more marketable for preservation and solubility.  Some organic product makers have discontinued the use of this ingredient in thier products because of the unatural chemical process that it must undergo.

Perhaps we could skip this process and leave out the "dimethylaminopropyl".  If "dimethylaminopropyl" is used in the making of cocomidepropyl betaine (put in many personal care products), why is it not listed as an organic compound in this form?  

If you buy the correct organic/natural compounds, you can make your own personal care products.  Naturaly occurring chemical compounds exist and are just as effective if stored efficiently.  Remember that any substance, be it organic or inorganic, can be abused and potentially hazardous if it is not used properly.
apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Urgent! Don't Let Big Pharma Take Our Natural Health!!!!

Read this article at www.RepublicMediaNews.com

The corporations have gone too far this time.  Please take a stand against criminalizing all natural health suppliments. 

I lost 68lbs on plant extracts and I'm 10 times healthier than before.  They don't like this because this means
I don't need to spend all my money on medical bills and insurance etc. 

The earth has what we need in it's whole natural form.  Don't buy into the marketing schemes that could send supplement makers to prison for 10 years!
apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

The Spatiotemporal Pattern of Hula Hooping:

hula hoop Pictures, Images and Photos

"In its unfolding - just as the unfolding of life from the fleeting wings of the present moment - it will represent a collaborative effort of research for the students of the field. The specifications of nature would thus now appear to be incomplete without this natural element of disorder or chaos, but just how this new vision is to be integrated into the future understanding of man - generic and individual - only time, research and engaged enthusiasm will discover the fuller journey of this far-flung path." Pete Brown on "New Mathematics of Chaos" by Ian Stewart

The demand for alternative forms of exercise increases as we fight higher levels of stress associated with...well, the Economy for instance!  Fitness facilities can be expensive, crowded, and contaminated. The same routines can get very monotonous which can weaken your inner drive to stay active. Get motivated!

Enlighten your fitness activity with something fun and interesting. Hula hooping is not only for the kids!  There is great "synergy" involved in the dynamics of motions that occur with the body while hula hooping.
For a person hula hooping, synergies (coordinative
structures) are the collective variables that capture the 
evolution of the spatiotemporal pattern involved in
performing the task. Time variations about the hips,
knees, and ankles in three dimensions yield 18 equations
of motion. At one level of description, one might view
the performance as solving a problem involving 18
variables (Stewart 1989). Balasubramaniam, Turvey 2004
Ramesh Balasubramaniam of the University of Ottawa, and Michael Turvey of the University of Connecticut were 2004 Ig® Nobel Prize recipients for their research in the dynamics of hula hooping.  They use a dynamical systems approach to explain the connection between cognition and the movements of hula hooping.

Hoopilates: Hula Hoop Exercise

POSTING SOON: Ancient History of the Art of Hula Hooping
apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Make Your Own All Natural Toothpaste!

Cheap, natural, sugar-free, mildly flavored and the best thing you'll ever encounter for bad breath.
by MrAloeVera

4 parts baking soda
2 parts Aloe Vera - Uh, make sure you don’t get the kind made for sunburns. This needs to be 100% Aloe Vera, fresh from a plant or a food grade store-bought. My plant died in an out-of-character cold snap, so I went with a pure Skin Gel from Aloe Life. It’s states right on the bottle that it is good for the gums.
1 part hydrogen peroxide
1 part water (you can add more water and peroxide for a thinner consistency)
1 part peppermint extract (available at the grocery store)

Directions: Put it all in a small jar with a tight lid (I use a small canning jar). Shake it up baby now. You could even do a little twist and shout. I use a tiny little spoon to scoop out a small amount (pea-size) for each use. This is in order to keep the jar relatively germ-free since there are no preservatives (albeit the baking soda may help preserve to some small extent). The jar and lid are easily washable but try to keep the lid as clean and dry as possible to avoid rust. Ditch it if you find any rust (or try an all-natural rust cleaner). This makes enough toothpaste to last two adults about 3 weeks, depending on how much you use.
apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

No One Should Ever Go Hungry (unless you're fasting!)

Click the WIN button to get started FREE
and receive your 3 FREE Products that make 
6 to 10 meals! Learn more...

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Americans Drowning in Prescription Drugs

       The "War on Drugs" is broader than we thought. Prescription drugs are becoming increasingly dangerous due to the uprise of the "Medical Industrial Complex".  America keeps up the fight against illegal drugs, while legal drugs conveniently create a sickening state of dependency. Doctors have to make the hard choice between safety or salary.  Thanks, Merk!


"I've said this at least a hundred times, and I'll say it again: No nation that ignores the nutritional health of its citizens has any real future.  A successful long-term society MUST, at its core, invest in real nutrition and the holistic health education of its citizens. Without good nutrition, every society is ultimately doomed to fail." -Mike Adams (consumer health advocate)

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!