Local Experts Warn Against Cannabis Use

With all due respect to Sheriff Rowe from Lubbock County, he is unintentionally reinforcing the idea that prohibition has royally failed in an article by Fox34 News.  The presence of product contamination can be contributed to the lack of market regulation.  The illegality of any product or service makes that market dark and dangerous.  Criminalizing the whole plant cannabis creates the demand for synthetic or legal herb which is what causes the health risks. 

Dr. Comiskey should be educated on the benefits of THC as well.  I respect his efforts and gained knowledge from his classes, but he is not giving Cannabis justice for reducing opioid addiction by 25% on average in states where cannabis is legal.  THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, along with CBD have been proven to be very useful for many conditions which are often worsened by prescription drugs. 

If only they would honestly research the positive effects of the plant, then they may not be defending these destructive wars against the people's freedom. 

If you run into either of these men, remind them of how cannabis helped the kids who are now seizure free, the special needs person who no longer punches himself constantly, the cancer patient who was able to manage pain without further damaging the liver, and the veteran who successfully treated PTSD by exercising the freedom his military service was meant to protect.

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Texas Weather Modification

That's right, weather modification!  I still run into people who thought it was a myth that someone could alter the weather.  It may not be as sci-fi as it sounded to them, but it is certainly real. 

Weather modification is widely used to influence agricultural production by adjusting storm precipitation.  What is not always talked about is how it can also suppress the rain.  Questions remain regarding the safety of "cloud seeding". 

As you research the effects of weather modification in your environment, consider which chemicals are implimented in modification efforts, and if there are any unintended consequences that may negatively affect weather patterns, or adversely result in climate extremes one way or the other.  Many environmentalists are concerned about carbon emissions (minimal effects in comparison), but few alert anyone to possible geoengineering projects. 

Check out the information below:

Weather Modification and Monsanto
West Texas Weather Modification Association
Harvesting the Texas Skies in 2016 - A Summary of Rain Enhancement (Cloud Seeding) Operations in Texas
Request For An Investigation Of Documented Weather Modification
Environmental and Human Health Risks of Aerosolized Silver Nanoparticles

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Cannabis 101 from Leafly.com

It is important to understand the components of cannabis before passing any judgements for or against it.  Each of its components work together in certain harmonies depending on the strain to provide a safe alternative to dangerous pharmaceuticals.  Here's another opportunity for you to become aware of what cannabis is and what it can do for you.  https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/list-major-cannabinoids-cannabis-effects

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Medical Marijuana and Breast Cancer Pain Management

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Reason.com: Appeals Court Embraces Free Speech, Rules Skim Milk is ‘Skim Milk'

"The leftover product is skim milk: milk that has had the fat removed through skimming."

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!

Overwhelming Testimony For Reduced Pot Penalties in Texas

     March 13th, 2017, Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence heard overwhelming testimony in favor of HB81 today.  Only one person testified against the bill during the hearing.  Most people I have spoken to about the criminality of cannabis possession, are at least for reducing penalties to a civil offense. 

     The lone felony prosecutor from Ector Co who stood in opposition to the bill, inadvertently reinforced the reality that law enforcement agencies have become financially dependent on the exploitation of marijuana users.  An anonymous source from another Texas Co Sheriff's dept reported to me previously that marijuana arrests are how they make their revenue. 

     Laws should not exist to support the industry of law enforcement.  When enforcement becomes more of a threat to Freedom than the law it seeks to enforce, it is time to re-evaluate its purpose.

     This bill does not legalize possesion, use, or sale of cannabis products.  It does not completely decriminalize marijuana possession.  Individuals can be criminalized for something as insignificant as procedural non-compliance precipitated from even minor traffic violations.  If an individual fails to pay any fine, there are still legal consequences. 

Check out HB81 here...

Always in Liberty!

apsTruth Activist, Alternative Truth Consultant

Has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Texas Tech University, has devoted her life to ensure the empowerment of individuals through freedom, free markets, personal responsibility, and above ALL else, Love!